
Global Happiness Summit [Review] Be Inspired to Be a Happier You?

The Global Happiness Summit is an online event that connects viewers with professional speakers on matters that will help them get and stay happy. The event is free to the public, but it is only available to view at the official event.

What is the Global Happiness Summit?

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, but what exactly does that mean? Some people look to be happier by making more money or spending time with friends, but the concept is so foreign to others that it can help to get the mind in the right place. That’s what consumers will be able to address at the Global Happiness Summit.

At the Global Happiness Summit, consumers will have the opportunity to engage in talks with some of the top speakers on relationships, health, spirituality, financial freedom, and general-purpose. The event is open to the first 50,000 people who register, and it will take place on a virtual platform in mid-July.

With this event, consumers will have a chance to hear from expert leaders on the concept of happiness, joined by authors and other inspiring individuals. The information that attendees will come away with can help them to improve all areas of their life with newfound focus and optimism. Throughout the pandemic, finding an inkling of hope has been difficult for many people, but this event invites people to celebrate and look toward a better future.

Some of the topics that viewers will get a chance to embark on include:

  • The best way to improve energy levels with minimal changes.
  • The science behind better sleeping.
  • Reducing drama and dissatisfaction in relationships.
  • Ways to love themselves.
  • Habits that successful people never take on.
  • Channeling inner guidance.
  • Improving spiritual relationships.
  • Reducing stress.
  • Finding inner peace using the right meditation.
  • Dealing with generational curses and trauma.
  • Releasing the old and building a new happy life.

While this is hardly a complete list of what consumers can expect, the Global Happiness Summit is a unique opportunity that is rarely found anywhere else.

Speakers of the Global Happiness Summit

Anyone who decides to virtually attend this summit can have conversations with experts in many areas of life. Their work directly contributes to improving awareness on the best ways to improve and find happiness. The experts are carefully screened by BriteVibe to ensure that they will contribute to the whole point of this event.

While more applications to speak at this event are currently being accepted, the current summit speakers accepted are currently listed on the website.

On the first day of the event (July 12th), attendees will listen to Ken Honda, an expert on money and happiness that has already become a best-selling author in Japan. His talk – Happy Money – is based on his book of the same name, helping consumers to make peace with their current financial state. Users will also hear from Ocean Robbins (co-founder of the Food Revolution) and Dawn Dahlby (a certified financial planner).

Donna Zajonc starts off the event on Wednesday with Happiness From the Inside-Out: Activating Your Inner Happiness Coach. Next is Marci Shimoff with How to Be Happy for No Reason, helping attendees through her experience as an author and teacher. Then, Dr. Marlene Siegel will speak on Joy, Wisdom, and Enlightenment Through Our Fur Babies, focusing on her passion for her horses and her lengthy career as a veterinarian.

On July 14th (Thursday), Ari Whitten, founder of the Energy Blueprint, has already helped over two million people to improve their health. Earlier in the day, viewers can catch Nathan Crane’s talk on Cancer and Emotions: How to Prevent and Heal Cancer through Emotional Wellbeing.

On Friday the 15th of July, attendees will hear from Dr. Anita Sanchez, Tom Wheelwright, and Carol Lourie. Dr. Sanchez’s talk – Harmonious Relationships: Wisdom from the Hoop Of Life – is based on her experience as a trainer, consultant, and more. With Tom Wheelwright, users will hear about Wealth-Ability, which is a system that helps consumers to make the most of their taxes for major returns. Carol Lourie’s speech – An Empowered Mindset as a Path Through Breast Cancer – focuses on her years of experience as a naturopath, acupuncturist, homeopath, and functional medicine expert to support women. On Saturday, consumers will hear from Timber Hawkeye about Response-Ability, enriching viewers in their spirituality.

Though many of the speakers already have their details available, the website still has a few people who have yet to be placed on the schedule. Those speakers include:

  • Breeanna Cox, Nourished and Strong.
  • Prema Bentley, Freedom of Total Acceptance.
  • Douglas Bentley, The Wisdom of the Heart.
  • Users must attend in real-time to get access to these events.
  • How to Get Involved With the Global Happiness Summit

The only way that consumers can learn about the Global Happiness Summit to attend is to register online on the official BriteVibe website. Consumers will need to include their name, email, and phone number for registration.

Once registered, users will be directed to a second page that will let them invite others through a social media post, text message, or email. The event is currently open to over 50,000 people who want to improve happiness around the world. Users can also follow the social media profiles of BriteVibe to prepare them for the event.

All the user has to do after this point

Joining As a Speaker

Speakers make it possible for this event to take place. With incredible diversity, this event is still far enough away for new people to sign up. Applications are still being accepted, and consumers can send an email to mlittle@britevibe.com if they are interested in contributing their knowledge.

Joining As a Sponsor

Anyone can sponsor the Global Happiness Summit, allowing them to be a part of the experience. To partner with BriteVibe, send an email to affiliates@britevibe.com.

Joining As an Affiliate

If not as a sponsor for or speaker at the event, they’re still contributing as an affiliate. An affiliate receives access to certain tools that allow users to recommend the event to anyone who follows them on social media or on their own website. As an incentive to work as an affiliate, the creators will give users commissions on qualifying purchases.

To join as an affiliate, visit here or send a message to affiliates@britevibe.com.

About BriteVibe

BriteVibe is the host of this online event that helps users to enlighten their minds and life collectively. The community supports each other with tools and education, bringing together other people who want to get their life on track. With diverse ideas and a broad array of experts, the company listens to the community to learn more about what they can give.

With powerful online events, BriteVibe helps people to connect to make a better future collectively and as individuals.


The Global Happiness Summit provides consumers with a way to improve their life. The event is completely free, and consumers don’t have to leave their home to participate. With over two dozen speakers, the information is presented in a unique way that can’t be found anywhere else. The expert speakers come from multiple backgrounds, ensuring that there’s something for everyone to enjoy.



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