Island County estimates half of the scams targeting the community are reported to law enforcement.
Sheriff Rick Felici wants someone more qualified to take over the role of county fire marshal.
According to the Board of Natural Resources, commercial net-pen fish farming in the Salish Sea is no more.
The cost of a dump run will get a little more expensive in the new year.
The man threatened people with a box cutter following a fight over a scooter on Wednesday.
The Island County prosecutor and sheriff officially closed a 21-year-old murder case Thursday.
The county signed a $3.4 million agreement with WSDOT to widen shoulders on Highway 20.
From a mysterious time capsule to a bell made of sand and horse manure, the church boasts its quirks
The City of Oak Harbor and Oak Harbor Main Street will continue their partnerships for another year.
The results returned finances show sweeping improvements compared to 2022.