Action needed on global warming

Only a person seriously out of touch with reality would believe that increasing levels of pollution and global warming are not serious problems facing the human race and earth’s other species.

Only a person seriously out of touch with reality would believe that increasing levels of pollution and global warming are not serious problems facing the human race and earth’s other species.

Numerous scientific instrumentation are in place, including ground based observers and instrumentation and space borne sensors, whose data streams are proving that the ozone layer is degrading, carbon dioxide levels are rising, the oceans and sea creatures are full of plastic, and the ice caps are fading away.

The rain we so need and some enjoy is contaminated by the U.S.A. and third world emissions that are spewing unchecked into the earth’s atmosphere and are carried to our shores.

Don’t believe me? I suggest you set out a clean pan, collect some rain water and send it to the U.W. for analysis. You may be surprised and maybe horrified by the findings.

Here are a few facts to consider: Since the late ‘90s the oceans’ mean levels have risen an inch and a half from melting glaciers; droughts are prevalent and more severe than in the past; wildlife and forests are dying from atmospheric imbalance; and emissions from China and third world countries in many cases have increased by a factor of 30 over those measured in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

If unchecked our descendants will die as will most species.

Roland Shaak
