I would like to take this opportunity to respond to the three letters written by Ann Adams, Rita Cline and Wayne Ude. Reading these letters reminds me of portions of the evening national news on the major networks: Sensationalized and opinionated snippets of half-truths that are expected to be swallowed without questioning. Let me take some time to speak factually to uncover some of the political character demonizations, scare tactics and half-truths found in these three letters.
President Bush’s approval rating and the recent election results appear to be at the heart of the current discussion. Why are Presidential Bush’s numbers higher than any previous presidents’ and how did his party pick up seats in Congress when history has shown that it is not normal to do so in off-year elections? Does President Bush have a majority of the voters hypnotized at the voting booths or perhaps is this America’s way of sending a voice to Washington, that now is a time for action and not for political bickering? I believe it is the latter. I also believe that those boasting to be in the minority have yet to hear the message that America is sending.
Attorney General Ashcroft’s actions to undo the practice of sealing grand jury testimony from law enforcement officials is also at the heart of the current discussion. Let me remind you that liberals and conservatives equally enjoy the civil liberties afforded us in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. I closely watch every move that government does with respect to altering any of my civil rights. Attorney General Ashcroft has been taking heat in the press for undoing some privileges afforded criminals that quite honestly are not constitutional. These same unconstitutional criminal privileges have bound the hands of law enforcement. The attorney general should be applauded for leveling a judicial system that is currently tilted in favor of the criminals and not in favor of the victims.
As a former service member and father, I believe that we should try to avoid war whenever possible. I have close friends whose names grace plaques dedicated to their ultimate sacrifice paid for this country. However, if you come into my house and kill members of my family with a promise to return to do it again, I will not rest until I have exhausted all means to hunt you down and bring you before God. I will try to enlist others to help me in my efforts, but any reluctance on their part to join me will not slow or deter me. Nor will I slow down to find out why these killers hate me or make any efforts to get along with those that seek my destruction. War with whatever country that harbors such criminals is not only our responsibility as Americans, but also the responsibility of all people around the world.
On the domestic front, what does America need today? Two words: economical recovery. Which U.S. political party has historically been slanted towards favoring business interests? The Republican Party. Look at what Secretary of Treasury Andrew Mellon did for the U.S. economy after World War I. By cutting taxes and reducing government expenses, Mellon brought in record amounts of revenue (taxes) and brought the U.S. out of the economic slump following World War I. To increase taxes and government spending at this time would only slow economic recovery.
Democrats play an essential role in balancing out Republicans by looking out for the needs and welfare of this nation’s citizens. Instead of concentrating efforts on bashing President Bush and trying to thwart every effort he makes to bring about economic recovery, wouldn’t it be great if the two political parties could work together to bring about an economic recovery? Democrats need to allow the patient to get better before expecting a full day’s work.
Mr. Ude, my America has a very bright future, free of fear and void of any lasting darkness. Let me remind you that the sun is always shining; sometimes you just need to fly a little higher to get above the clouds. My America will continue to be the land of the free and the home of the brave no matter which party occupies the oval office or controls Congress. I pray you’ll join me.
Ken Ellison
Oak Harbor