I see on the national news last night that you managed to add two more notches in your gun, number 3989 and number 3990. Congratulations. You have now managed to successfully murder a thousand more Americans than did the terrorists on 9/11. You may understand if I am no longer amoured by your arrogant Texas swagger or your chimpanzee smirk. Perhaps it’s because your number 3990 has left my daughter without a husband and her two young children without a father. Perhaps it’s because I hate to see a country as great as ours once was being run into the dirt by a bunch of old war mongering hypocrites whose, “The sky is falling” is the all inclusive answer. I also see that the vice president is touring Iraq declaring how much progress we are making. Perhaps he wouldn’t mind phoning my daughter and explaining that in more detail. Or perhaps there is no explanation for how a country can be run by a jingoistic nut case with no brain and still the sheep all follow along. You’ve managed to decay civil liberties to Joe McCarthy era levels, move the national debt from the black to almost a trillion in the red, and put the economy in a tank all in 7 years, quite an accomplishment. This is not to mention how many Iraqis have died for your sins or how a country has been destroyed. You done good, George. Somehow I think you’ll sleep right through number 4000.
Harry Abbott
Oak Harbor