Anti-OLF group is acting like a group of spoiled children | Letter

Editor, I think the anti-OLF group needs to be told about Coupeville before any of them were born or even heard of Coupeville.


I think the anti-OLF group needs to be told about Coupeville before any of them were born or even heard of Coupeville.

After they read this, they should be ashamed of themselves for what they are trying to do.

I have lived here many years and know what the Navy has done for Coupeville and the whole island.

They were not only patrolling the island, protecting us from invasion by Japan during that terrible war, they were providing much-needed jobs for a large percentage of Coupeville when Coupeville was a struggling town.

Those people kept their jobs for many years and retired with pensions.

The Navy helped make Coupeville the town it is today — a prosperous community and a popular tourist attraction.

I can’t count how many times the Navy has rescued people in distress on the island.

Now this group is acting like a bunch of spoiled kids because everything in their lives isn’t perfect.

There is a loud noise happening that interrupts their conversations for a few hours out of their year. Wow. Isn’t that too bad?

Jean Sherman


