Bad timing for hospital bond

The federal government is broke; the state is broke; the county is broke; and the city is broke. So why would those who support the hospital bond for $50 million think that the citizens of Island County aren’t broke too?

The federal government is broke; the state is broke; the county is broke; and the city is broke. So why would those who support the hospital bond for $50 million  think that the citizens of Island County aren’t broke too?

Over $8 million is being wasted on a one-way street hardly anyone wanted; the fire department is buying a building for over a million (where did they get such a whoppin’ amount of money if not from taxpayers?); people are getting laid off right and left; and now, another bond stands to hit the Island County taxpayer when they are already overtaxed in an extremely bad economy.

Once again, the powers that be think there is nothing wrong with that. But there isn’t a drop of logic in their way of thinking. Their timing in asking for the $50 million Whidbey General Hospital  bond is completely out of line, and like the rest of us, they should live within their means and wait to get what they want. No one disagrees that the hospital rooms are dinky and old, but so are a lot of the homes in Island County that bond supporters propose to slap more taxes on.

Let’s stop spending not only in the federal government, but here in Island County as well. Tell them to wait like we all have to do. Vote no on more taxes. Vote no on the hospital bond, at least until we are back on our feet.

Ginny Weeks
Oak Harbor