Bailey tirelessly supports military

Washington state and America are in an economic crisis. Washington state has been controlled by the “tax and spend” crowd in Olympia for many years. That is why we need a fresh start with Barbara Bailey as our senator. Her focus has been and is to balance the budget, reduce regulations, and lower taxes as well as to lower small business tax rates. She has advocated as a priority to create jobs and controlled government spending, which has been out of control, spending more than what has been taken in.

Washington state and America are in an economic crisis. Washington state has been controlled by the “tax and spend” crowd in Olympia for many years. That is why we need a fresh start with Barbara Bailey as our senator. Her focus has been and is to balance the budget, reduce regulations, and lower taxes as well as to lower small business tax rates. She has advocated as a priority to create jobs and controlled government spending, which has been out of control, spending more than what has been taken in.

Her passion for education has been seen as she is firm in funding K-12 education first and not delaying payments to each school district. She believes in measures to increase accountability, raise standards and help each student to succeed.

She is a crusader for conservative and traditional values. Her patriotism is well recognized and as a spouse of a retired Naval officer, Barbara has firsthand experience of the plight of a military wife.

She has worked tirelessly to support military families through her efforts as a Navy League area president, Navy League national director as well as vice chair of the Joint Select Committee for Veterans. We need someone like Barbara with her expertise.

Join me in voting for an outstanding candidate, Barbara Bailey.

(By the way, since when did her opponent “own the ferry system?”)

Please don’t “shoot the messenger” who is trying to tell the truth!

Carol Allender

Oak Harbor