Bailey works for everyone

Most of us are tired of angry, partisan politics and smear letters. We want someone who is not divisive, who can work with people on both sides of the aisle, who will listen. There is a candidate who is all of these things: it is Barbara Bailey. She is a legislator of honesty and integrity, who understands the issues and will work with representatives of both parties to represent us in Olympia.

Answering the plethora of misleading charges in the opposition letters about her is simply not her style. Obviously, the people who denigrate her voting record have not taken the time to actually read the bills. Barbara does.

There are many good reasons to vote no: The bill had impossible costs, there were bad provisions linked to the bill, the title did not reflect the actual content of the bill, and many others. Unlike many in the Legislature, Barbara takes the time to read bills to see if any of these negatives are present. Unlike many other politicians, Barbara Bailey does not make empty promises or vote for bills which are guaranteed not to pass simply to look good.

If you have the time, go to her Web site: to find out why she voted as she did.

If you are looking for a candidate who cares about our district’s transportation problems, our children’s education, property taxes, the economy, health care, or jobs, you need to re-elect Barbara Bailey. She truly works for all of us and she has earned our trust.

Nancy Thompson
