Local citizens are concerned about the negative consequences of recent county budget cuts. I am too. Trash pick up in local parks is a very visible sign of the additional $2 million cut the county took for 2011, but some repercussions are less obvious.
Almost 30 more employees were laid off in January, across county programs leaving many departments with skeletal staffing to cover vital services for our community. The county is actively adjusting expenses to match available revenues, which means diminished public services through traditional means. Island citizens are thankfully stepping in to help.
I am encouraged by the outpouring of local volunteer support we have to the Adopt-a-Park program so far and feel proud to live in a community so willing to pull together during tough times. To learn more about the program please contact coordinator, Joantha Guthrie (JoanthaG@co.island.wa.us 360-679-7331).
For the long term, however a more sustainable solution must be found. There are capital funds available for parks, however due to statutory restrictions they can only be used for purchase, not maintenance. Please join me in advocating with our state legislators to grant flexibility in using these dollars for basic services which our community depends upon.
A pending bill (HB1953/SSB5755) would allow cities and counties to use a portion of the Real Estate Excise Taxes for park maintenance through 2016. It is not a huge pool of money and the flexibility clause sunsets, but it would allow us to continue trash pick up and basic maintenance of precious park properties during this very difficult time. For Island County, that would be a huge help. This relief is important for local governments to protect our public assets during this revenue crisis. I encourage you to contact your legislative representatives if you agree.
Helen Price Johnson
Island County commissioner