While I believe that the attack on Afghanistan was justified and has proven to have been the right decision, I am concerned now that the president is beginning to act like an American Caesar about to lead us on an “American crusade” (his term) to eliminate all evil most of which will be directed against Muslims.
He appears to be ready to do it irrespective of the views of the rest of the world. On several different issues we have refused to support the rest of the world community: the elimination of land mines, reduction of world pollution and the international court for the trial of war criminals.
The president is now proposing a huge increase in military spending. We need to spend what is necessary to be able to defend ourselves against any military attack, and any terrorist attack, but it seems to me that we could do more about eliminating evil and terrorism if we were to embark on a mission to eliminate poverty that Gandhi said was the worst violence.
A real war on poverty will be far more effective, particularity if we lead the rest of the world community to join us in this crusade, than our own Roman Legions attacking alleged terrorists around the world. I am afraid that armed attacks around the world are not going to be any more effective than Israel’s attack on the Palistinians nor will they win us any friends.
Louis Richardson
Oak Harbor