Campaigns: News media failing its job

Let’s hope that, when the news media’s frenzied coverage of Dean’s rallying cry in Iowa ends, some fair-minded media critics will step forward and analyze the obsessive-compulsive behavior displayed not by Dean but by the news media.

Let’s hope that, when the news media’s frenzied coverage of Dean’s rallying cry in Iowa ends, some fair-minded media critics will step forward and analyze the obsessive-compulsive behavior displayed not by Dean but by the news media.

We wonder: What is more appalling to the 8 million Americans without a job: a politician with fire in his belly wanting to change America or a news media that fails to ask probing questions about an economic recovery that leaves 8 million Americans out of work, and millions more in low-paying jobs without health insurance or retirement benefits?

What is more disturbing: a news media with smiley faces that cheered on Bush’s invasion of Iraq-OR-a politician that wants a national referendum on wasting precious lives and resources by first bombing and then rebuilding a country that was no threat to our national security?

What does it say about the U.S. media when one has to watch Comedy Central in order to get an intelligent analysis of Bush’s vacuous State of the Union speech?

One must ask: What is more unnerving than a news media that goes berserk?

Karen Barta

Oak Harbor