After auditions for the Whidbey Playhouse youth production of “Charlie and The Chocolate Family,” director Mary K. Hallen has announced her cast. Willy Wonka is Tyler O’Dell. Playing Charlie Bucket is Austin Hendrix, and Sara Christensen is Mrs. Bucket and Jed Mossengale Mr. Bucket. Stephen Henderson is Grandpa Joe. Phineous Trout is played by Beth Ann Brackett. Zack Nixon is Augustus Gloop and Caitlin K. Maronde is Mrs. Gloop.
Veruca Salt is played by Kira Homola and Cassidy Rydell plays Mrs. Salt. Naomi Story is Violet Beauregard and Mrs. Beauregard is played by Jolene George. Mike TeaVee is played by Garrett Stahl and Jessica Cathey is Mrs. TeaVee.
Deja Bunch, Alyssa Schiffman, Callie Nuttall, Carson Spence, Hannah Faught, Rosie Mooki, Ashley Serna, Bryn Langrock, Connie Hendrix, Hannah Goldman, Tanzi Blackmer, and Jule Toney are in the ensemble, all of whom will be Oompa Loompas, plus some will be the rest of Charlie’s family, the Candy Kids, and Squirrels.
The summer musical youth production will be performed at the Whidbey Playhouse July 31 to Aug. 10 for a total of eight performances. Tickets are $12 for adults and $8 for children ages 12 and younger and are now on sale. Call 679-2237 or visit