Caucus a well-run democratic machine | Letter

It was a real pleasure to attend the Central Whidbey Democratic Party caucus on March 26. Our organizer Gary McIntyre did a great job of organizing, explaining the process, and making sure everyone got their chance to speak for their candidate.


It was a real pleasure to attend the Central Whidbey Democratic Party caucus on March 26. Our organizer Gary McIntyre did a great job of organizing, explaining the process, and making sure everyone got their chance to speak for their candidate.

His support volunteers also were very helpful and knowledgeable.

Of course, the best part was having two highly qualified candidates, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, to consider.

The caucus ran as democracy-in-action with reasoned opinions about functional issues that are essential to the future of our country. People were courteous and articulate, respecting other peoples’ opinions — well maybe one sore-head.

What a difference from some of what we’ve been seeing in “debates” on TV from the other party.

None of the discussion was about blaming immigrants for our problems or starting new wars overseas. Everything was positive — fair taxing, health reform and education support.

I hope this grassroots enthusiasm for a positive future really takes hold as we approach the November elections.

John Olsen
