Students of the Whidbey Christian Elementary School passed out shopping bags in various Oak Harbor neighborhoods on Monday, Oct. 27.
The filled bags were picked up on Friday, Oct. 31. The annual food drive is a traditional community service activity by the school. The theme for this year’s program was “Share Not Scare.”
The collected food will be distributed to needy families this Thanksgiving by the Seventh-day Adventist Community Services program with referrals from Help House.
“This is the best response we’ve had,” said teacher and principal, Dan Nickolatos. He said people were even calling the following week to have bags picked up. “We appreciate the Oak Harbor community and their willingness to provide for those less fortunate.”
Whidbey Christian School is associated with the Seventh-day Adventist educational system, second largest Christian school system in the world with 1.3 million students. The school, located at 31830 SR 20 is a fully-accredited, Christ-centered elementary school. Students are accepted without regard to race, origin, denomination, or gender.
For more information, contact the school at 279-1812 or visit