“The Oak Harbor city council adopted the city’s first mission statement Tuesday night after making some last-minute changes.The final result: The staff of Oak Harbor is committed to delivering the highest possible level of service to its citizens, improving economic opportunity and quality of life and fostering community partnerships.Along with the statement, the council members officially adopted a list of values that support the mission statement. They include quality work ethic standards, innovative high value service and citizen needs based.Early this year, Oak Harbor Mayor Patty Cohen set the mission statement as a top priority. Tuesday, she said the mission statement and the list of attached supporting values gives council members a framework for making decisions during the difficult budget period ahead.In September, Cohen hired a consultant to run a workshop for the council members, leading them through the process of creating the statement and supporting values. The councilors left the workshops with a draft that has been circulating to the department heads for comment. It came back to them Tuesday with some slight changes.But the final adoption didn’t go through without a hitch.City resident Richard Pasewark criticized the mission statement because it refers to citizens as customers and didn’t mention the importance of quality of life.I don’t like being called a customer of Oak Harbor. I regard myself as a member of the community, a denizen of the city, Pasewark said. He added that the mission statement seems more appropriate to a Texaco station.Several council members agreed and discussed tabling adoption until a future meeting. But in the end, Councilman John LaFond suggested a mission statement that incorporated Pasewark’s ideas into it. The council passed it unanimously. “
City is on a mission (statement)
Oak Harbor city council adopts the city's first mission statement