Community talks in Coupeville

The Coupeville School District will hold the first of what could be a series of “community cafes” beginning early next month.

The meetings will provide a forum for residents to share their ideas about Coupeville schools while meeting board members and school administrators.

The first cafe takes place Monday, Oct. 8, at 6:30 p.m. at the Coupeville Elementary School Library. School board members and administrators will man different tables. Each table will have a question that people can voice their opinion about.

“It’s just a chance on a more personal level to get to know school board members and talk with administrators,” said Superintendent Patty Page.

Questions at the October event will range from how best to improve academic success to how the school district can improve communication with parents.

She said she had great success using the events at her previous job as assistant superintendent of the Kelso School District. Being a new superintendent, events like the cafes will strengthen ties with the community.