County looking for public input on Freeland code

Island County Planning and Community Development is looking for more feedback on its draft development regulations for Freeland. As a result of public comment, the department has added new definitions for art studio and artisan workshop to the code.

For now, the code will allow studios to be anywhere retail is allowed, but workshops will have different districts or conditions to address noise, dust and materials storage, according to senior long range planner Beckye Frey.

Frey is open to scheduling meetings with interested groups to go over the regulations and answer any questions.

“I’m really happy with the feedback we’ve received,” she said. “I would love more.”

The final draft of the code is set to be completed by the end of January, but she said she will be scheduling meetings through February as well.

Those who have projects planned for the area can also volunteer to use their projects as a test to see what it would look like under the new regulations. “It’s a really good way to make sure there aren’t any bugs or bumps in the code,” said Frey.

The draft will be presented at the next planning commission meeting at 2 p.m. Monday, Jan. 8. This presentation will include new language regarding lighting regulations and an overall update on the progress of the project.

Those interested in learning more can contact Beckye Frey at