Coupeville takes pride in their school system, and justly so. We have the best administrators and teachers available. I am fortunate to personally know these people and how hard they work with our students.
Our district has earned the excellent reputation it holds through hard work by teachers and staff, constant communication by our superintendent, and involvement of the community. As a realtor here in Coupeville, I know how often I am asked to find homes in the Coupeville Schoold District because of the wonderful reputation.
An excellent student is one who has a caring home environment where learning is primary and a system that cares about them and can afford to educate them properly. It is up to us, as citizens of this school district, to make sure the system has funds. The youth of today will be the adults of tomorrow and will make our decisions for us. I want them to be able to make educated decisions — don’t you?
Please vote yes on the Feb. 5 school levy and assure our educational system stays one of the best.
Carmen McFadyen lives in Coupeville.