Coupeville Marshal responds to donkey running on road

The Coupeville Town Marshal’s Office responded to the following calls:

The Coupeville Town Marshal’s Office responded to the following calls:

Monday March, 11

8:02 a.m., fraud complaint reported from Northeast Fifth Street regarding a purchase from an Oak Harbor furniture business in October that was never delivered.

9:58 a.m., a fire hydrant was leaking on South Main Street.

10:01 a.m., civil complaint regarding an eviction reported on North Main Street.

12:35 p.m., agency assist requested on Wanamaker Road.

1:33 p.m., a man was reportedly walking through the parking lot  and screaming at Ebey’s Landing.

3:44 p.m., unauthorized credit card charge from California reported on Northwest Fourth Street.

Tuesday, March 12

9:25 a.m., counterfeit bill reported on South Main Street.

12:11 p.m., disorderly conduct reported at Whidbey General Hospital.

12:26 p.m., the door to a home on Russell Drive was open and two dogs were loose, but ran inside. No one appeared home.

5:02 p.m., theft reported on Northeast Third Street.

Wednesday, March 13

3:29 p.m., welfare check requested on Northwest Sixth Street.

Thursday, March 14

11:08 a.m., a woman was locked out of her vehicle with an infant inside on Northeast Birch Street.

12:55 p.m., theft reported on South Main Street.

2:02 p.m., a truck spilling garbage was reported on South Main Street at Highway 20.

4:24 p.m., a mailbox appeared to have been hit by a vehicle on Northwest Broadway Street.

5:17 p.m., a woman wasn’t breathing on Northeast Faris Street.

Friday, March 15

10:20 a.m., an abandoned vehicle was reported on Southwest Terry Road.

12:02 p.m., a white horse or donkey was seen running down the road on Northeast Parker Road and turning near Burnham Place.

12:22 p.m., medical emergency reported on Northeast Parker Road.

12:31 p.m., suspicious man seen carrying some type of can in his hand on Northeast Fourth Street.

2:46 p.m., a tree fell and damaged gutters on North Main Street.

5:32 p.m. 200 yards west of the pier human remains found.

Saturday, March 16

9:26 a.m., motor vehicle accident at Northeast Park Road and Northeast Burnham Place.

12:48 p.m., two older gentleman were apparently marking the street with paint and it looked “terrible” in the area of Northeast Fourth Street.

5:37 p.m., woman called to followup on the status of her husbands prior call about people painting the street.

8:45 p.m., two roommates were in a physical altercation on Northeast Third Street.

Sunday, March 17

7:20 a.m., welfare check on Perry Drive.

9:36 a.m., wire over the roadway at Northeast Sixth Street and Northeast Haller Street.

3:34 p.m., two kayakers seen in Penn Cove about 300 feet out with one subject out of the kayak, trying to get back in.

