I wish to express my concern over the pay raise the Coupeville Town Council voted to give the mayor.
I find this pay increase contrary to statements that local government will be tightening its financial belt.
I would like to ask how spending money on the mayor’s salary is justified when so many city and towns have trouble with their own financial management problems?
For the elected mayor should feel honored to serve their communities and not be driven by financial rewards.
Why is there now an abundant of financial resources to line the pockets of government officials? Have the fat cats once again been fed?
Sometimes it’s both too easy and wrongheaded to take potshots at proposals to raise the pay of various public officials. Pay a salary that’s too low, and the odds are that you’ll get what you pay for — which means not much.
But in the case of a substantially higher salary raise for the mayor of Coupeville the criticisms are warranted. I am sure Mayor Conard is liked and respected by some, but the vote to raise her pay is ill-timed and ill-reasoned.
This type of salary package of a town mayor should be supported only on condition that elected mayors are made to meet strict qualifications and performance objectives.
In short, the mayor’s pay should not be set willy-nilly, but instead through a rational and comprehensive process. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Irina Sinchukovska lives in Coupeville.