Life in and around Coupeville is always entertaining. Not only is there the beauty of nature, we also have fascinating arguments. We don’t disagree much over support for schools and children, but instead choose special issues.
Coupevillians carefully debate the merits of public music in the park; church siding; cats; where tourists should be told to go, or come, or park. There may be long discussions over farm odors, gas stations; patriotism, air noise; the correct shape for historic windows, and now, a rock!
The community is lucky to have members who voluntarily watch out for its interests and even question development. However, coffee, conversation, and commerce are also important to Coupeville. Perhaps a park in front of the Big Rock would be nice. While picnicking, one could look in one direction and serenely enjoy the forces of nature and time represented by the rock. If tired of stone, one could turn around and wonder about traffic.
Would the predicted congestion caused by coffee patrons really have been worse than that created by the 14-plus businesses immediately across the street? Finally, a citizen could contemplate where else Coupeville might have used the $31,421.59 (cost as of May 15) of taxpayers’ money spent to answer lawsuits in our rock contest.
Larry Richards