Crypt of Horror

Halloween is coming to Roller Barn in Oak Harbor on Friday PWY haunted house, “Crypt of Horror” at the Roller Barn, 98 NE Barron Dr., Oak Harbor: Friday, Oct. 26, 7-11 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, Noon to 4 p.m. Special Kids; Session and 7-11 p.m. Monday, Oct. 29, 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, 6-9 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31, 6-10 p.m. Tickets available in advance for $5 at Naval Youth Center and at the Roller Barn. Tickets at the door will be $6. Bring a canned food donation for Help House and receive $1 off admission.

Partnership With Youth programs:

Neutral Zone – Late activities and recreation programs for youths in 6th through 12th grades.

After School – SAP Programs, mentoring, tutoring, recreation and art activities at Oak Harbor Middle School and North Whidbey Middle School. Beginning in January 2002, PWY will also participate in the after school enrichment programs at Olympic View Elementary School and Hillcrest Elementary School.

Clearing House – Community Service Program

Youth at Risk – Community service program with juvenile courts

Tobacco Free – Anti-tobacco program, Anti-drug and alcohol program

Mentor – On-site mentoring and tutoring

Job Search – Job locating for youth and family members

Resource Organization – Provide information to the community on youth activities

Partnership – Oak Harbor School District Partnership In Education, DARE, SAP, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, and Island Health Department

Information courtesy of Partnership With Youth

Partnership With Youth is gearing up for a season of fun for Oak Harbor’s kids.

Based at the Roller Barn, PWY hosts the very popular roller skating sessions on Wednesday and Friday evenings. The Friday session usually has about 100 to 150 people in attendance.

But, the facility offers so much more than roller skating, said Roosevelt Rumble, PWY director. In fact, this week PWY is set to open up its Halloween haunted house and to kick off the first evening of The Cave, also known as the Teen Hangout.

The haunted house, called “Crypt of Horror,” will be open nightly — except on Sunday — from Friday, Oct. 26 through Halloween night. Located in the basement of the Roller Barn, the setting is creepy to begin with. The addition of a maze of darkened rooms, full of spooky surprises, adds up to the equivalent of a “PG rating,” Rumble said. There will be a special afternoon session on Saturday, Oct. 27 for younger kids, during which the lights will be left on.

The Cave will open for the first time on Tuesday, Oct. 30. As of November, however, The Cave will be open on Saturday nights, beginning at 9:30 p.m. Youth age 15 and over will have the opportunity to hang out with friends, socialize and dance in a safe environment.

“It’s a place to hang,” Rumble said. “It’s a place for high school kids to call their own.”

Supervised by adults and a plain-clothes police officer, The Cave is an accessible alternative to hanging out on the streets, in parking lots or cruising in cars.

Partnership With Youth has an array of activities and programs, providing guidance, supervision and safety, while encouraging kids to have some fun.

PWY is currently working on its transition into a Boys’ and Girls’ Club, after which it will continue its youth program while being able to add more.

“It’s slowly but surely,” Rumble said. “The process is still continuing on. I’d say its just a matter of time.”

You can reach News-Times reporter Christine Smith at or call 675-6611