The headline of the June 29 issue of the Whidbey News-Times stated: “Crowd demands more doctors.” The article covered the medical crisis faced by those living on Whidbey Island.
In January of this year two fine physicians, Dr. Meg Sweeney and Dr. Ron Baldwin (Dr. Baldwin was listed in the top three in your annual Best of North and Central Whidbey survey June 26, 2002) closed their office because of the inability of the Whidbey Island Public Hospital District to negotiate with the Skagit District to retain their valuable services.
I feel that the Whidbey Island Public Hospital District has show their lack of concern for the residents of Whidbey Island by their action. I personally expressed my opinion to Mr. Scott Rhine, CEO of Whidbey General Hospital, and to Mr. Peter Borden, president, Board of Commissioners, Whidbey Island Public Hospital District. Additionally I have asked State Senator Mary Margaret Haugen and Representative Rick Larsen for their help.
Thomas R. Clatterbuck, Sr.
Oak Harbor