I am writing this letter not as a critic of the devastation that would happen to the land by a gravel pit operation, nor as an expert on the effects that such a gravel pit operation would have on our community water supply as we already have qualified residents speaking on those issues, but I am speaking as a resident of the Dugualla community, as a retired person, as a housewife, and as a senior citizen and the effects such an operation could have on our way of life.
Rather than live in a city with the hustle and bustle of business area and industrial operations along with the traffic and traffic noises, we saved to be able to retire in a community where you could hear the birds, you could see the ducks and herons on the bay and where you could take a leisurely walk around the area. Other the sound of Navy planes, our community is a quiet peaceful neighborhood. This is the type of neighborhood we chose. We did not choose to live next to a business development or an industrial site with noise and dust and heavy equipment and trucks.
A large majority of the traffic in our community is foot traffic; people out getting their exercise, walking with their children, walking their dogs and enjoying the sights and sounds of nature along with the fresh clean air. But if the proposed gravel pit operation is permitted, walking from one side of the neighborhood to the other will not be so easy. Crossing Taylor Road could become much more hazardous if gravel trucks are speeding by. Many of our residents are senior citizens who cannot jump out of the way of traffic, many would not even hear the traffic as it approaches and many would have to change their daily walking and exercise habits.
Resident drivers already use caution when approaching the corner where Taylor, Frostad and Dugualla roads meet as this corner has limited visibility, but commercial vehicles do not use the same caution. Even though there is a reduced speed limit in that area now, many commercial vehicles still speed through the area without concern for turning traffic or pedestrians walking in the area.
Summer is a time that finds most residents spending as much time as possible outside but once again, if this gravel operation is permitted, noise and dust could prevent many residents from taking full advantage it.
Industrial areas are not regarded with the respect given to nice residential communities and this is obvious from the fact that the entrance of one of the two older gravel pit sites further along Taylor Road has become a dumping ground for old furniture and trash.
We care about our homes and our community and our wonderful quality of life and we certainly don’t need big business to come in and turn us into an undesirable area! I read a sign today as I was driving in Skagit County that I felt said it all: “Shhh! Meadowlarks Singing.” We want to hear the meadowlarks!
I have to honestly wonder how many would vote to approve this gravel pit operation if it were happening in their own community!
Teddy Bohaychuk
Oak Harbor