Editorial appeal to GOP misplaced

Your editorial of Sept. 10, “All our votes should count,” states clearly your support for the appointment of electors in the presidential election process. In and of itself, a more balanced representation of the wishes of the people in any given state would indeed allow an individual vote a greater weight in any outcome. However, I find your appeal directly for Republicans to be aggrieved in our current electoral process to be unfortunate at best, alarming at worst.

May I point our that for many Democrats, the same appeal could be made in a far greater expanse of the United States. Even the Republican party in many of its own primaries has a winner take all preference. But even more to the point, do you hate your fellow citizens so much that you would excite and impassion them against one another? I do not believe you do.

Each of us has the liberty to wrestle with our own convictions and beliefs and use the precious gift of our vote in our own way. It does no good for neighbor to pitted against neighbor. We may not agree on the approach each political party may espouse to tackle the many challenges that face a unique and vast community we call the United States. We may not agree on the purpose of a government event through its history in this country has always been to create a community wherein its citizen can live peacefully side by side and prosper in their own way.

We must agree, however, that each of the parties and each individual possesses the liberty to respect our neighbor. Creating an atmosphere contrary to this basic tenet deprives the community. We must believe that each party and each individual has only the best interest of their community and their country at heart, though each may have a vastly different approach.

Therefore, I appeal to you to lay aside the politics of hate and suspicion, and forego the temptation to impassion your neighbors against on another. Support your convictions, as is your right, but respect the liberty of those that support their own.

Stephen Hunt
