Election 2004: Kerry’s better, and not liberal

The Republican Party is being hijacked by fundamentalists, no less dangerous than the Islamic militants, while the 80 percent who are moderates sit by and watch.

The Republican Party is being hijacked by fundamentalists, no less dangerous than the Islamic militants, while the 80 percent who are moderates sit by and watch. Stand up and fight. Take back the party before Bush and his cronies kill us all.

Our immediate danger is a rigged presidential election. More likely than ever this time, with the manufacturer of voting machines, a big bucks donor to Bush’s campaign or another terrorist attack might conveniently occur just before the election, making it necessary to “postpone” elections; the first step toward martial law.

The danger of terrorism is real, but the Bush clique uses it as a scare tactic to keep us from thinking clearly, while wasting resources that could be spent on national security on a war to beat up a small, (oil-rich) country. The Bush administration spreads havoc, not Democracy, and is turning a well-armed world against us.

It is time we refused to be distracted by media hype, drug addicted radio ranters, and emotional non-issues like gay marriage. The hypocrites in office want “big government off our backs,” but only if the backs are rich, white, “Christian” men. Preventing a few harmless people from doing what they want is not going to save us from increasingly deadly terrorist attacks or atomic threat by North Korea, Pakistan or Iran.

Get your priorities straight and straighten out this party.

If that’s too hard, vote Democrat. Kerry’s no liberal; he won’t compromise your principles, but he might start our once-great country on the road to saving itself from threats both foreign and domestic.

Mary Fiddler

Oak Harbor