Equal treatment needed for disabled

It has come to my attention that Island Transit’s paratransit does not serve all Island County disabled equally. My husband in Rolling Hills gets door-to-door service six days a week; but those who don’t live “near Highway 20” must ride their local bus and transfer at the station in Oak Harbor to whatever route goes to their destination, a troublesome move especially in bad weather.

It has come to my attention that Island Transit’s paratransit does not serve all Island County disabled equally. My husband in Rolling Hills gets door-to-door service six days a week; but those who don’t live “near Highway 20” must ride their local bus and transfer at the station in Oak Harbor to whatever route goes to their destination, a troublesome move especially in bad weather.

Then they must repeat the process to get home. If their local bus doesn’t run on Saturday, then they have service only five days a week. It is patently unfair that having six-day service depends upon where you live, when so many community activities take place on Saturdays.

Nancy Hodges Hughes

Oak Harbor