First off, I would like to say kudos to Paul Girouard (Letters, Nov. 10) for saying what I’ve wanted to say for a very long time. I am so sick of people complaining about the war in Iraq! Now whether you agree or disagree with the United States invading Iraq in the first place, is now irrelevant, because, surprise, surprise, it happened! We took out the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, and now we are dealing with the aftermaths of trying to set up a stable government, so the next crazy psychopath doesn’t take reign. I’ve heard people say that there is no reason to be in Iraq, and it infuriates me, because there are crazy men chopping off people’s heads for no good reason! My cousin is now in Fallujah fighting for this very reason, and it sickens me that Ann Adams calls this a “senseless war.” I don’t get how you are supporting our troops when you’re bashing their leader. President Bush, whether you like him or not, is in charge of our troops, and no matter how much you bash him, it’s not going to change. Instead of wasting your time talking smack about the commander-in-chief, write letters to soldiers in Iraq, telling them how great and brave they are. Make a care package and send it to them. Do something useful! That is the way you support our troops!
You don’t have to like the President or even agree with the war to support our troops. Complaining about it, however, gets this country nowhere! Let’s get involved with this! Maybe as a community we can come together and make this senseless war a little better for our precious soldiers.
Camillia Garey
Oak Harbor