Feedback: Indoor cats help wildlife

Our goal is: “Protecting Whidbey’s Wildlife,” but following this advice also means that cats won’t be a food source for coyotes.

Whidbey Audubon wants to thank you for your editorial of July 13, “Keep cats indoors.” If this opinion piece had come directly from The Whidbey Audubon Society, cat owners would have viewed it as “spilt milk,” just as they have in the past when we have advised to keep cats indoors. Our goal is: “Protecting Whidbey’s Wildlife,” but following this advice also means that cats won’t be a food source for coyotes.

If you really love cats, then ensure that they have a good — as well as long — life. If you wish to have a pamphlet published by Audubon that addresses this subject in detail, you can contact me at: Whidbey Audubon Society, Att. Brian Martin, President; Post Office Box 1012, Oak Harbor, WA 98277.

Brian Martin
