Feedback: Police miss an opportunity an opportunity

We just had a concern we wanted to bring to light. 

At around 7 in the morning on Thursday, July 28, we were leaving town. We ended up in back of a car that was swerving all over the road. We called 911 twice and were told someone would respond. We followed this car for 45 minutes and not one time did any police officer respond even though we passed a State Patrol and a county car going the opposite way. 

We were absolutely horrified at this person’s driving. It was extremely reckless, careless and frightning.

We did our best to get this driver off the road, but the police did absolutely nothing. This driver could have very easily killed themselves or someone in your family or mine. That is very scary to us. Had that happened in this case, the blood would be on the hands of the State Patrol and Island and Skagit county police.