Washington State Ferries is extending the public comment period on the draft long-range plan through Monday, Jan. 26.
The ferry agency has received hundreds of comments and held 10 public hearing since the public process opened Dec. 19.
“Due to the overwhelming response, I decided to extend the comment period five days,” said David Moseley, assistant secretary of the Ferries Division ,in a news release. “I appreciate the time everyone took to share their perspective on the two options in the draft plan.”
A revised draft plan, along with all of the public comments, will be provided to the Legislature Jan. 31. The plan is intended to provide options for consideration during this legislative session and will not be finalized until after it is reviewed and decisions are made by lawmakers.
Basically two options have been proposed. The first would maintain the system as it is, which would result in a $3.5 billion loss. The ferry system’s preferred “Plan B” would have the state maintaining its core ferry service, with local governments stepping in to help with terminal costs and local foot-ferries.
Comments about the proposed long-range plan can be sent to wsfplanning@wsdot.wa.gov. or by mail to WSF, Attn. Joy Goldenberg, 2901 Third Ave., Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98121.
More information about the ferry system’s long-range plans can be found at www.wsdot.wa.gov/ferries/planning/ESHB2358.htm.