Naval Hospital, Oak Harbor just received its shipment of flu vaccine. and should monitor their plan of the day for details.
Family members of active duty, retirees and family members of retirees can receive their flu vaccine on either Wednesday, Nov. 14, or Wednesday, Nov. 28, from 1-7 p.m., at the VFW Hall, 3037 Goldie Road, Oak Harbor.
Flu vaccine will be available on a walk-in basis at the Immunization Clinic after Nov. 28.
Active duty members will receive the flu vaccine at their command
High Risk
Persons who are at high risk for complications from influenza should receive annual vaccination. They include:
People 65 and older; residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities with residents of any age who have chronic medical conditions; adults and children aged 6 months and older who have chronic pulmonary or cardiovascular disease, including asthma; adults and children aged 6 months and older who have required regular medical follow-up or hospitalization during the past year because of chronic metabolic diseases (including diabetes mellitus), kidney dysfunction, blood disorders (hemoglobinopathies) or immune system problems (immunocompromised e.g. HIV infection, immunosuppressed by medication, chemotherapy or radiation therapy); children and teenagers (6 months to 18 years) who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and therefore might be at risk for developing Reye’s Syndrome after influenza infection; women who will be in the second or third trimester of pregnancy during the influenza season
Anyone Else?
Other persons who should be vaccinated each year include:
People 50 years and olde; health-care workers, employees of hospitals, clinics, offices and chronic care institutions who directly care for and have close contact with persons at high risk from complications of influenza
Household members (including children 6 months and older) of persons in high-risk groups (individuals who are most likely to transmit influenza to high-risk persons); Students and staff at colleges (to prevent outbreaks)