With an estimated 57,000 visitors on Whidbey Island Naval Air Station this past weekend for Thunder on the Rock airshow, events went really smoothly.
The only hitch was that the long-anticipated performance of headliners the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds on Sunday had to be cancelled due to uncooperative weather conditions.
Still, the airshow was a “success,” said a representative of the naval air station’s public affairs office.
“We had so much stuff to see,” said Petty Officer 2ndClass Joaquin Juatai. “People stayed and had a good time.”
Crews for the Thunderbirds monitored conditions all day in an effort to catch a favorable time for the precision flying team to take to the skies. However, the base was socked in by fog Sunday, with no relief before the end of the day. A performance by the Thunderbirds requires a visibility ceiling of at least 2,000 feet, Juatai said.
“At no time during the day was that minimum achieved,” Juatai said.
The weather was clear and sunny all Saturday afternoon and performer after performer wowed the crowd.
Geoff Ball, of Bainbridge Island, came to the airshow with his two children, Sinclair, 8, and Carsen 6.
Each of the children enjoyed the various aircraft displays and aerial acts.
“I liked being able to go into the airplanes,” said Sinclair Ball. “I like the big ones.”
Her little brother was more impressed with the dynamic stunts.
“I like watching the airplanes flying up in the sky,” Carsen Ball said.
The Ball family made it a Whidbey Island weekend, Geoff Ball said, by attending Thunder on the Rock Saturday and going to the Island County Fair in Langley Sunday.
While it was a bit foggy Sunday morning, some small planes, which require a lower ceiling, were able to fly.
Mike Wassemiller and Kim Spence of Everett eagerly awaited their turn for a ride on a vintage World War II aircraft. For $40 per person, airshow visitors could hitch a ride on Taigh Raney’s “Twin Beech” RC-45J two-prop airplane.
“It will make it more of a memorable trip here,” Wassemiller said as he made arrangements for his flight.
Other big successes at the airshow include the activities for children. Kids’ Fun Zone, set up in a nearby hangar, afforded ample opportunity for children to get out some of their energy. Oak Harbor kids’ gym and play place Moovin’ and Groovin’ set up a host of inflatable jumpy toys on which hundreds of kids at a time romped and bounced.
The rock climbing walls were another popular activity for kids. Wearing appropriate harnesses, kids were hooked up to a safety cable and took turns trying to get to the top of the simulated rock faces. All seemed to enjoy the attempt, while only the most adept actually made it to the top.
Behind the scenes military and civilian personnel worked steadily and diligently to make the event a safe and successful occasion.
One trio of active-duty Navy members worked to keep services running smoothly, as well as stood by in case of an emergency.
Part of the Emergency Operations crew, the self-identified “Three Amigos,” Lt. Bert Hornyak, Chief Mike Conroy and Chief Randy Williams mostly acted as jacks of all trades.
“All the problems that arise, we fix ‘em so the public don’t see it,” joked Conroy. “We’ve had a blast. We’ve done everything from fixing pumps to delivering oil.”
The three worked long hours beginning on Friday, when all the planes and pilots for the acts and static displays began to arrive.
“I run the barracks and the galley. I’m the services officer,” said Hornyak.
He had his work cut out for him, finding last minute accomodations when every available billeting room on base and motel room in town was already booked.
The only reported challenge with the crowd, said Juatai, was people that seemingly made a few too many trips to the beer garden. Security officers wouldn’t let those individuals drive, so they apparently had to find another way home after the show.
With the success of the first dynamic airshow in four years at Whidbey Island Naval Air Station, many attendees said they hoped there will be another next year.
“It’s a possibility,” Juatai said.