I write in response to the “Soundoff” column (Jan. 26), “Orders taken for filth, smut” by Sonny Starks. Though I agree with Mr. Starks in that I do not agree with what Mr. Willis sells, Mr. Starks seems to be confused as to some very real issues here. Mr. Starks must understand that the same freedom that allows Mr. Starks to complain also provides Mr. Willis the right to sell what Starks complains about.
Whatever happened to the concept of parents? The concept of parents controlling what their children buy with those Christmas gift certificates.
Mr. Willis is doing nothing wrong. He is selling what people want to buy. There is nothing illegal about it. Selling cigarettes, booze and porn to children is illegal. If Mr. Willis is breaking any laws then the authorities need to be involved, and not a mob trying to put this man Willis out of business.
If Mr. Starks, with “no children in his neighborhood” is so willing to protest for us parents, why doesn’t he go to Olympia and protest to the lawmakers? Better yet Mr. Starks, why not protest government agencies such as Unemployment or Labor and Industries that place whole families into the streets because of the agencies’ mistakes or bias? That is more devastating to families with small children than what Mr. Willis sells.
Tom Walters lives in Oak Harbor.