Holy Saturday, Resurrection Sunday services

Find an Easter service April 19, 20 for family

Christ the King Community Church: Easter services Saturday, April 19, at 6 p.m. at Solid Ground Coffee Shop, 275 SE Cabot Dr., Oak Harbor. Easter Sunday, April 20, a sunrise service starts at 7 a.m. at Deception Pass State Park. Easter services in Oak Harbor start at 9 and 10:30 a.m., 275 SE Cabot Dr. Call 679-9921 or go to www.ctkonline.com

Christian Reformed Church: Service of celebration and praise Easter morning, Sunday, April 20, at 10 a.m. The Sunday morning worship service will include a meditation by Pastor Harold Veldman entitled “Don’t Be Afraid: Jesus is Alive” and feature special music by the choir. There will be a children’s church for 3- to 5-year-olds; nursery for younger children will also be provided. The church is at 1411 Wieldraayer Road; call 675-2881.

Christian Science Society: Easter Sunday, April 20, the 10 a.m. lesson-sermon will include the true account of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Mary Baker Eddy writes in “Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures:” “The lonely precincts of the tomb gave Jesus a refuge from his foes, a place in which to solve the great problem of being. His three days’ work in sepulchre set the seal of eternity on time. He proved Life to be deathless and love to be the master of hate.”

Church of the Nazarene: Just what did the disciples do after the resurrection? Find out Saturday, April 19, at Oak Harbor Church of the Nazarene. The live drama musical “Living Witnesses” will be performed at 7 p.m. and again Easter Sunday at 10 a.m. The church is at 1100 W. Whidbey Ave. and admission is free. Call 675-0705 or go to www.ohnaz.com.

Coupeville community service: Living Hope Foursquare Church invite everyone to Coupeville Elementary School multi-purpose room at 10 a.m., Sunday, April 20. Pastor Garrett Arnold will speak, there will be music by Kidz Club, children’s church and nursery.

Community sunrise service: Oak Harbor Kiwanis Club invites everyone to their 13th sunrise service at 7 a.m. at City Beach near the windmill. Pastor Ron Eerkes of New Covenant Fellowship will speak and an offering will be taken for Help House. The service is non-denominational. Bleachers will not be available this year; please bring lawn chairs. In case of inclement weather, the service will be held at Oak Harbor First United Methodist Church, 1050 SE Ireland St.

Concordia Lutheran Church: Annual community Easter egg hunt Saturday, April 19, at 11 a.m. Children and parents of all ages are invited to enjoy hunting for hundreds of candy-stuffed Easter eggs, and, a chance to win prizes if you find the special prize Easter eggs. Concordia Lutheran: Come enjoy an Easter Continental Breakfast prior to our Easter Communion Service Sunday, April 20. Breakfast will be served at 9 a.m. and Easter Communion service will follow at 10 a.m. Baby sitting is available. Go to www.concordia.lutheran.com

Coupeville United Methodist Church: Easter Sunday at 6:30 a.m. Mildred Eisenhauer will lead a sunrise service at Sunnyside Cemetery. Easter breakfast will follow at the church’s Fellowship Hall. At 11 a.m. there will be an Easter service and ECHO offerings will be gathered.

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church: Easter worship begins at 8 p.m., Saturday, April 19, with an Easter vigil. A bonfire will be lighted to mark the new life of Easter. Easter Sunday services are at 7, 9and 11 a.m. The 9 and 11 a.m. services will include brass instruments and the singing of the “Hallelujah Chorus.” Easter breakfast will be served by the high school youth from 8 until 11 a.m. The church is on NW Second Avenue

Oak Harbor United Methodist Church: A special Easter cantata, “Wondrous Love,” will be presented on Easter, Sunday, April 20, at 10:30 a.m. Pastor David Lura will ead the 9 a.m. worship service. There will be no 8 a.m. service. Call 675-2441.

St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Coupeville: Holy Saturday, April 19, Easter Vigil Mass at 9 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, Oak Harbor. Easter Sunday, April 20, Mass in Coupeville at 9 a.m.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church: Saturday, April 19, the Great Vigil of Easter, Holy Baptism and First Eucharist of Easter. Sunday, April 20, the Feast of the Resurrection, 8 and 10:20 a.m., Festival Eucharists with brunch following both services. All are invited to participate.

Unitarian Universalists: Sunday, April 20, at 4 p.m., Rev. Barbara Davenpart will speak on “How Shall I Live, Knowing I Will Die?” to Unitarian Universalists congregation of Whidbey Island.

The congregation meets at Trinity Lutheran Church, Highway 525 and Woodard Road, Freeland.

Whidbey Presbyterian Church: Sunday, April 20, services at 9 and 11 a.m. are identical. There will be no Sunday school.