I’ve been impressed and inspired by the content and writing quality of your recent opinion pieces. Two cases in point are the end-of-year editorial “Hope for more transparency in new year” and “Transparency matters for all taxing districts” Jan. 21.
You properly named names in citing Island Transit, Whidbey General Hospital and the Port of Coupeville as blatant offenders.
Additionally, you gave examples, such as commissioners conducting business in private, delaying responding to public record requests, replacing board members without public input, scheduling public meetings at poor times and publishing sparse meeting agendas.
The implosion of Island Transit simply would not have happened had there been proper transparency of its business operations.
Next up is Whidbey General. At its April board meeting, Coupeville’s Dr. Richard Wagner asked that the topic of greater transparency be put on the May agenda, so we’ll soon see if it happens. We hope for another big turnout, though the meeting is at 7 a.m.
In the meantime, thanks to the editorial team of Jessie and Megan for their on-point and inspiring views. As you said about transparency, “It’s an idea that’s vital to our democracy.”
Rob Born