Island County Farm Bureau braces for new age of farming

The annual Island County Farm Bureau meeting this month brought on a full board.

The annual Island County Farm Bureau meeting this month brought on a new president, vice president and a full board for the first time in over six years. Board members consider this a new era for Whidbey farming and a switching of the “old guard.”

The American Farm Bureau Federation is the national advocate for farmers that has local chapters to meet and discuss policies affecting farms and communities. The Island County bureau launched in 2006.

The initial formation was in response to the Whidbey Environmental Action Group or WEAN, said Jennifer Jones, secretary of the bureau. At the time, WEAN was working on regulations infringing upon agriculture, she said, so the group formed to involve the broader organization to help on Whidbey.

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“Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization that provides the opportunity for farmers to have a voice so that it doesn’t end up overregulating,” she said. “Most farmers want environment and farming to coexist, but sometimes that gets lost in translation.”

Some of the main priorities of the broader organization are water rights, labor costs and the fuel surcharge tax, she said.

“It’s not to say that we’re going to go in and change the world, but just a simple fact that we’re collectively able to say, instead of being talked about at the table, we want to have a seat at the table,” she said.

Bart Crowder, owner of 1902 Ranch in Coupeville, was recently approved as the new board president. Crowder was a Growler pilot for the Navy and recently retired as a flight simulation instructor.

In retirement, he began raising cows, chickens and pigs and making connections in the agriculture community. Eventually, about three years ago, he found his way on the board of the farm bureau.

“He is ready to rock n’ roll and take this forward and really see about springboarding and getting some more people involved,” Jones said. “He’s very excited.”

Jake Stewart, the new vice president, owns Sweetwater Farm & Shire in Clinton and is involved in the agriculture resource committee and the veteran farmers program.

“The two of them together bring a younger generation, and they’re trying to figure out which end is up,” Jones said.

The future brings new farmers to the area and increasing challenges, Crowder said. The barrier to entry, the cost of equipment and land, is higher than ever with thinning profit margins.

The farm bureau is focused on making the process easier and helping farmers become successful, he said.

The younger generation of farmers tend to prioritize direct-to-consumer farming, local farm-to-table operations as opposed to the traditional farm model of exporting products, he said. The goal is to create community resources to maximize profits.

While a relatively new farmer, the work has become one of Crowder’s greatest joys.

“I just try and concentrate on the things that we all have in common,” he said. “There’s plenty of things that we have farming wise that are in common. Just trying to lift all boats with the rising tide.”

For more information or to join the Farm Bureau, email

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, feeds calves on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville.

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, feeds calves on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville.

Photo provided
Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, drives a tractor with his son on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville.

Photo provided Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, drives a tractor with his son on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville.

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, drives a tractor on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville. (Photo provided)

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, drives a tractor on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville. (Photo provided)

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, feeds a calf on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville. (Photo provided)

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, feeds a calf on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville. (Photo provided)

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, pets a cow on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville. (Photo provided)

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, pets a cow on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville. (Photo provided)

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, tends to animals on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville. (Photo provided)

Bart Crowder, president of the Farm Bureau, tends to animals on the 1902 Ranch in Coupeville. (Photo provided)