I would like to join Judge Alan Hancock in endorsing Judge Vickie Churchill for Superior Court Judge of Island County. I had the pleasure of serving with Judge Churchill from the time she was elected until I resigned last year. The accomplishments of Judge Churchill are almost too numerous to mention but I would like to name some of the most significant changes that she has been a part of initiating for the betterment of the judicial system in Island County.
She was one of the driving forces behind the construction of the juvenile detention center and has continued to insure that those incarcerated there are provided services that will enable them to better cope when they are released. She has been an ardent supporter of the drug court as well as the future mental health court made possible through the recently passed mental health sales tax. Judge Churchill and Judge Hancock have created more efficient ways to run the courts that have saved taxpayer dollars in the process. From a county commissioner’s perspective, the judges have always been willing to sit down and work out issues that are in the best interests of the county as a whole.
I had the opportunity to serve as a juror on a case that was tried in Judge Churchill’s court. She is absolutely polite and fair to all the participants in the court room while running a very efficient trial. She has a presence in the courtroom that demands respect and I believe it was her specific instructions to the jury that caused us citizens to be able to come to a verdict. In short, she did a fantastic job and although this was only one case it was a good experience being a part of the judicial system and seeing it work so very well.
We in Island County are blessed to have two Superior Court judges with such great qualifications while possessing the highest integrity that is so essential to the working of the courts. While I cannot vote in this race for Judge Churchill I would encourage the citizens of Island County to re-elect this woman who is admired by so many.
Mike Shelton