Lawnmower racers ready for spring action

It’s almost spring again. The sun is out longer, the days are brighter, and once again the racing season is about to open.For most people words like Nascar and NHRA or Skagit Speedway and Evergreen Speedway come to mind, but for a few it means breaking out the old lawn mower and racing backwoods style.

That’s right, another season of the Northwest Lawn Mower Racing Association or NWLMRA is upon us. With the retiring of Richard “Rooster” Schimke last year, names like Bruce “Durty” Burd and Brian “Slayer” Olsen come to mind.

Burd is the association president this year and is hoping that the new class will add more people to the races and bring the fans out to more events. This year promises to be more exciting than even last year’s season was because this year the NWLMRA has added a second “open” class for those who want to run bigger motors.

The open class is an experimental class this year and testing of the class during the winter indoor season has proven it to be fun, fast, and exciting. Burd has won the last 9 events during the winter and is expected to be a front-runner this season. Myron “Bender” Brundage, the vice president of NWLMRA, is looking forward to the new season and class.

The racers do not race for money. Only trophies and pride. You can watch the races for free. They welcome your support and your attendance to help make this a banner year in the Northwest for “backwoods” racers.

Feel free to stop and ask questions. Racers would be happy to answer you and help you get started in the racing series. For more information on racing please contact a member of this association at