Learn from Beach Watchers

WSU Beach Watchers will focus on living on the edge at this year’s Sound Waters program. The one-day university, set for Saturday, Feb. 1, will offer more than 30 classes relating to natural resources and natural history of Puget Sound. Sound Waters will run from 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Coupeville Middle School.

Keynote speaker will be Andrea Copping, assistant director of the Washington Sea Grant Program at the University of Washington. Copping has spent the last 20 years as a biological oceanographer in the Pacific Northwest. She will provide an overview of the environment of north Puget Sound, and describe how it functions as a provider of ecosystem goods and services to our culture.

After the keynote address, participants will break into smaller classes to learn about topics such as bluff erosion, Puget Sound tides, peregrine falcons, gray whales and more.

Coordinated by WSU Beach Watchers and Island County Marine Resources Committee, Sound Waters provides the public with science-based information about local environment.

Registration deadline is Jan. 27; early registration is encouraged. Classes are limited in size and will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Cost for the whole day is $15 per person. Box lunches will be provided for $6 with pre-registration forms.The day qualifies for four clock hours for educators. Call Beach Watchers at 679-7327, or go to www.


Island County residents who are curious about the natural world are encouraged to register for Beach Watcher training. Trained Beach Watcher volunteers support educational programs and conduct shoreline research to foster stewardship of natural resources. Training is free and open to all county residents.

Classes are taught by experts, and one-third of the course work is field trips.

Classes start March 10 and run through April 30, 2003, meeting every Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Race Road Fire Hall, south of Coupeville. A few classes will convene on Camano Island.

Call Sarah Schmidt at 679-7391 or e-mail sarahs@wsu.edu.