Life on Whidbey: Come and applaud our veterans

“Honoring our Nation’s Heroes” is a special Veteran’s Day event on Saturday, Nov. 10 in the Elks Lodge being sponsored by the Oak Harbor Area Council Navy League.

The program kicks off at 11 a.m. and runs about an hour. Guests will observe the Oak Harbor High School NJROTC Color Guard, hear some great singing by “Daybreak Trio” and “The Harbor Lights,” and a performance by the First United Methodist Church Choir.

The All-Island Community Band will play and an Elks Lodge flag-folding ceremony will be held. MAYOR PATTY COHEN will introduce guest speaker REAR ADM. JAMES SYMONDS, USN, Commander Navy Region Northwest.

Everyone is welcome, especially veterans, active duty or retired, reservists and their families. The Elks Lodge is at 155 NE Ernst Street, behind Flyer’s.

Costumed ladies

Last year about this time, CARLA’S SHEAR INSPIRATION on Bayshore Drive looked like a scene from “Pirates of the Caribbean.” It was then hairdresser VALERIE BRYANT won first place for her smashing costume and uncanny resemblance to Capt. Jack Sparrow.

The ladies of CARLA’S are mum so far about work behind the scenes, but this year’s theme, Renaissance Masquerade, conjures images of powdered wigs and elaborate gowns.

Carla’s is accepting donations during October to support breast cancer awareness. You may help in two ways: buy tickets at $1 apiece and vote for the best costume to be announced next Wednesday, Halloween, or you may drop off a contribution at Carla’s, making your check payable to Soroptomists International of Oak Harbor, noting “digital mammography” in the memo line. All funds raised will to toward the purchase of a new digital mammography machine for Whidbey General North Clinic.

When you think of it, helping a woman fight breast cancer saves more than just her life. When her cancer is caught early and treated, she has a chance to spend many more years with her spouse, children, parents, friends and employer.

Help local paramedic

DUANE TRONTVET, a Whidbey Island paramedic, is undergoing treatment for a stem cell transplant at the University of Washington hospital.

His friends will hold a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, Nov. 3, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the Heller Road Fire Station, corner of Crosby and Heller.

Members of the emergency room crew at Whidbey General Hospital were amazed at the $1,410 raised in under three hours at a bake sale last Friday.

Contact MIKKI CIPULLO at 360-720-4324 or SHERRI BROWN at 360-914-0250 if you would like to make a contribution to help Duane’s family with their extra expenses.

Good neighbors

RICHARD MUELLER, Wal-Mart’s Good Works Coordinator, presented a grant check in the amount of $550 last week to the PBY MEMORIAL FOUNDATION for its service to the community. PBY chairman RICHARD REZABEK accepted the check on behalf of the foundation that seeks to preserve the history of the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station Seaplane Base, the PBY Catalina that flew treacherous missions to the Aleutians and back, and those who did not make it. The grant will be used to further organization’s educational outreach.

If you have Parkinson’s

J.C. KLINE is a hero to many people with this condition, having volunteered for many years as chairman of the Parkinson’s Support Group. When he was needed more at home to care for his wife PAULINE, there was no one to step in and take his place.

Now there is someone who promises meetings will resume on the first Friday of the month (Jan. 4, 2008) at 1 p.m. in the crafts room of the Oak Harbor Senior Center.

CAROLYN HANSEN and her husband WAYNE moved to Whidbey Island last year from San Diego where one could attend Parkinson’s meetings almost any day of the week. They were surprised to see that North Whidbey’s support group disbanded and invite anyone with PD, along with their caretaker or a family member to attend and tell their story.

Carolyn will ask medical professionals to bring the group up to date on new medicines and their side effects.

Call 279-1785 to find out more.

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