Local information: Help me out with my report

My name is Daniel and I’m doing a report on our state of Washington, and I would like you to help. I hope you can.

My name is Daniel and I’m doing a report on our state of Washington, and I would like you to help. I hope you can. I want you to tell me about your part of Washington. I will tell you about this part later.

You can help me with photos, post cards, notes, books and maps. I want to know all about your part of Washington. Thanks a lot. Write me letters and tell me what you know about our Washington.

Thanks a lot. I hope I can proceed on this project. Thank you all of you who help me. I hope you can help me.

Daniel Lopez

Mrs. Kelly’s class

Conway School District No. 317

19710 State Route 534

Mount Vernon, WA 98274-8304