Loudest horn does not equal a band | Letters

In response to Ms. Spina’s letter concerning the unfairness of the Whidbey News-Times article, I find one statement very concerning: “The WNT is part of the Whidbey Island community and should be putting its efforts alongside ours to help find a way to solve the island’s problems, not publishing hit pieces like this one.”


In response to Ms. Spina’s letter concerning the unfairness of the Whidbey News-Times article, I find one statement very concerning: “The WNT is part of the Whidbey Island community and should be putting its efforts alongside ours to help find a way to solve the island’s problems, not publishing hit pieces like this one.”

My response would be that the island does not seem to have a problem but a very small minority of individuals seem to have one.

When one makes a statement about an “island problem,” should one not have a majority of residents complaining about the problem?

Also, as a point of interest, I would ask Ms. Spina, or any COER member, why an option of opening up a third runway at NAS Whidbey would help alleviate the supposed “island problem?”

Just because the loudest horn is in a room at a particular time does not make it the whole band.

The ongoing saga of the status of OLF Coupeville has, in my opinion, reached a point of interest for Island County residents only as sideline participants.

The federal government will decide to reopen the OLF during the Environmental Impact Statement process or not ­­­— their decision.

If they decide to keep it closed, then the Citizens of the Reserve committee can declare a temporary victory: or if they reopen OLF, the COER can decide to restart their lawsuit.

Local political officials on either side of the issue can make their comments, but it will be up to the federal government to reopen the OLF or not.

When the EIS is completed, I believe that it will show no harmful effects that would bring the federal government to close OLF.

In my opinion, the closure of OLF Coupeville would only be a political one and not a position based on economics.

Jim Pace

Oak Harbor