Mukilteo dock repair set

Midday closure to begin Nov. 26.

“The Mukilteo ferry dock will be partially closed for repairs from just after the Thanksgiving rush until mid-February.Joel Colby, project engineer for Washington State Ferries, said Thursday that the last of the required environment permits for the project to install new wingwalls had just been obtained. The wingwalls guide the ferry into the dock.Bids have already been sent out and will be opened August 30. When the project was first announced last winter, construction was anticipated to begin in September, but permit delays set back the timetable to late November.During construction on the Mukilteo dock wingwalls, the Mukilteo-Clinton route will be disrupted during daytime non-commuter hours. Here’s what will happen beginning Sunday, Nov. 26:• The regular car ferry dock in Mukilteo will be closed from 9 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Sunday through Friday (open Saturdays).• During those hours, the regular car ferries will take vehicles and passengers to the Edmonds dock, which approximately doubles the crossing time.• A passenger-only ferry will carry foot passengers between Clinton and Mukilteo. From Clinton, the Port of South Whidbey’s dock on the north side of the ferry dock will be used. On the Mukilteo side, a dock from State Ferries’ Eagle Harbor maintenance facility will be secured to the Port of Everett’s pier in front of Ivar’s restaurant.As of this week, it was not known what company will provide the passenger-only service. Colby said a “request for proposal” will be solicited through advertisements, and State Ferries will make the selection from those proposals based on cost, boat carrying capacity, speed and other factors.Construction work is scheduled to take a break for Christmas with the Mukilteo dock open for business as usual on Dec. 22, 23, 24 and 25. Work will begin again on Tuesday, Dec. 26.The project must be finished by Feb. 15 when the state’s “fish window” on construction closes. Colby said the first new wingwall should be finished by the end of December. Work on the second wingwall will follow.The project could be finished sooner if all goes well, Colby said. “It depends on weather and luck.” “