Navy drivers should slow down | Letter to the editor

It seems the young people of this town need a serious lesson in driving according to the law, especially on Highway 20. The speed limits are posted for everyone to observe, not just a select few. They are there for a very good reason: Your safety and mine. The passing lane was not put there to create a drag strip for your hot rods. Like the sign says, “Slower traffic keep to the right.” It does not mean “use the right lane to pass!” This is against the law.

It seems the young people of this town need a serious lesson in driving according to the law, especially on Highway 20.

The speed limits are posted for everyone to observe, not just a select few. They are there for a very good reason: Your safety and mine. The passing lane was not put there to create a drag strip for your hot rods. Like the sign says, “Slower traffic keep to the right.” It does not mean “use the right lane to pass!” This is against the law.

I would venture to say that 90–to-95 percent of the violators are from the naval air station, and all the tenant commands should address this issue on the next safety stand-down. This goes on not only during the day, but at night too, especially when people are in a hurry to make their watches.

Just check the time. They are speeding around 11 to 11:15 p.m. and again around 3 to 3:15 a.m. I’m just sick and tired of having someone so close behind me that I cannot see their headlights at night, or during they day they are so close I cannot see their license plate. Slow down, you’ll live a whole lot longer.

Michael O’Hanian
Oak Harbor