Two newcomers to Oak Harbor politics hope to represent the average citizen by joining a city government they feel has lost touch.
Chris Hiteshew, a Navy firefighter and a 35-year-old father of two daughters, signed up to run for city council position 2. He will compete against Beth Munns for the position being vacated by Councilman Paul Brewer, who is running for mayor.
Mel Vance, an outspoken critic of city government, is running against Rick Almberg for position 3, which is being vacated by Councilman Larry Eaton.
The candidate filing period ended Friday at 4:30 p.m.
There will be two city positions on the Aug. 21 primary ballot with three candidates for both mayor and council position 1. Brewer, Councilwoman Sue Karahalios and businessman Jim Slowik signed up to become mayor, while Mayor Patty Cohen decided not to run again.
Former city Councilman Jim Morrison and former candidate Clairann Haney joined Jim Palmer, another newcomer to city politics, in competition for council position 1, which is Karahalios