For those on the edges of their seats in tense anticipation of Tuesday’s elections results, it probably felt like a long, agonizing wait.
“I was on pins and needles and a lot of other people were too,” said Oak Harbor Mayor Bob Severns.
The Island County Elections office had the results shortly after 8 p.m., said Michelle Reagan, county election supervisor. This year, the secretary of state’s office implemented a statewide posting system so counties don’t host the results on their individual systems.
So even though the county uploaded the results at around 8:15 p.m., the numbers didn’t show up online until nearly 10 p.m.
“The numbers were all good. The file was good,” Reagan said. “There was not a problem with the results not showing accurately, it just took a little longer.”
However, people tracking statewide results may have noticed other counties’ results were uploaded almost immediately.
The delays for Island County and others related to web display issues associated with ballot ordering, according to Kylee Zabel, communications director for the secretary of state’s office.