Jessica Rae Zimmer and Cash Aldin Parker were married June 13, 2009, at Living Word Church in Oak Harbor. Pastor Andy Mahoney performed the double-ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of Rod and Annette Zimmer; the groom is the son of William Parker and Frankie Wernecke of Oak Harbor. Presented in marriage by her father, the bride was attended by Samantha Jackson, as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Sadi Foltz, Kaylee Meders, and Michelle Sandstrom, all of Oak Harbor. Brother of the groom, Cody Parker, was best man. Groomsmen were Jared Jenkins and Chris Hughes of Oak Harbor. Ushers were Zachary Zimmer, brother of the bride, and Crokett Parker, brother of the groom, both of Oak Harbor. Elliott Johnson was the ring bearer and Stella Johnson, his sister, was the flower girl, both of Coupeville.
The bride and groom are both graduates of Oak Harbor High School. The groom is currently serving in the United States Air Force, stationed at Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany. The newlyweds have made their first home in Landstuhl, Germany.