This could only happen in America.
Two men, both multi-millionaires, are touring the country, one on taxpayer dollars, begging for money from any working stiffs foolish enough to give it.
Why, to help them get a job which, with perks, pays 50 to 100 times what the average American worker earns. And who or what gets most of the donated money, the media, which despises one of them and turns a blind eye to all the lying, double talk and stupid policies of the other. What a country!
Here’s my solution to a better America. I would first outlaw all political parties, forcing people to use their heads for more than a hat rack when voting.
Second, I would outlaw all unions, which have done more damage to this country than all the terrorists combined, and then could no longer control our politicians. Third, I would rewrite the constitution, eliminating all possible loopholes for tax evasion and radical behavior and policies bent on destroying America and all the basic principle on which this country was founded.
Remember, the constitution was originally written for simpler people in a much simpler time. Arms and weapons were used for protection and hunting for food, not for mass murders and lunatics. Free speech meant exactly that, free speech, not disgusting art, movies, and pornography used to destroy religion and houses of worship. I would cut off all foreign aid to any nation harboring a large Muslim population and I would not spend a cent or shed a drop of American blood on or for any nation that treats the U.S. like garbage.
This is not a complete solution, but it sure would put us on the right track to recovery and respect.
Richard Ays
Oak Harbor